Lecturer: Lars Graebner
The theory of typology is the study of the beginning of architecture, It is not device to justify the mechanical repetition the frame work of dialectic discourse which generates the new by transforming the old. - in the lecture by Lars
My precedent research on VM House by the Danish Architect, BIG, shows how the typology can act as a generative tool throughout the design development. The basic massing diagram is the new variation of the old reinterpreted and transformed by the architect. The idea of the skip-stop section in M building(2) was borrowed from Le Corbusier's Unite d'habitation(1) which has enabled the diverse two-stories housing units with cross-ventilation.

Hi. I am doing a case study on the VM houses. I just wanted to know if you can help me out with the plans and some documentation because it is really difficult to get everything on this building. I am an architecture student at ENSA Nantes Mauritius. Thank you in advance.